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No. 品牌 编号 产品名称 规格 单位 目录价
161 Immunoway RS0039 鼠兔六标七色荧光检测试剂盒 15test 30test 100test 5940 9240 26460
162 Immunoway RS0038 鼠兔五标六色荧光检测试剂盒 15test 30test 100test 4920 7280 20520
163 Immunoway RS0037 鼠兔四标五色荧光检测试剂盒 15test 30test 100test 3940 6320 18560
164 Immunoway RS0036 鼠兔双标三色荧光检测试剂盒 15test 30test 100test 2380 3960 11820
165 Immunoway RS0035 鼠兔三标四色荧光检测试剂盒 15test 30test 100test 2960 5580 14680
166 Immunoway RS0034 High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0) 3mL 1180
167 Immunoway RS0033 High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0) 3mL 1180
168 Immunoway RS0029 30% Acr-Bis(29:1) Solution 500ml 245
169 Immunoway RS0028 Tris/Glycine Transfer Buffered Solution for Western Blots and Native Gels, 10X 500ml 200
170 Immunoway RS0025 SDS PAGE Running Buffered Solution(Tris-Gly System) for Western Blots, 10X 500ml 200
171 Immunoway RS0024 动物细胞和组织总蛋白提取试剂盒 5Test 50Test 200 1300
172 Immunoway RS0023 Tris Buffered Solution, pH7.4, 10X 500ml 120
173 Immunoway RS0022 Stripping Buffered Solution for Western Blots 500ml 400
174 Immunoway RS0021 PonceauS Staining Solution for Western Blots, 1X 500ml 300
175 Immunoway RS0017 TBST Washing Buffered Solution for Western Blots, pH7.5, 10X 500ml 120
176 Immunoway RS0015 SDS变性电泳上样缓冲液,5X 2x1ml 40
177 Immunoway RS0014 1.5M Tris-HCl Buffered Solution, pH8.8 500ml 200
178 Immunoway RS0013 1M Tris-HCl Buffered Solution, pH6.8 500ml 200
179 Immunoway RS0012 10% SDS Solution 500ml 400
180 Immunoway RS0011 Polymer HRP * Goat Anti Mouse/Rabbit IgG(H+ L) 10mL 100mL 860 6280


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